Nothing makes my heart smile more than hearing kind words from our customers raving about our Towel Ponchos.
Customers that have gone on to purchase them for their entire family, their friends and their neighbours!
All because they love the roomy fit, the snuggly feel and the epic attributes of our Turkish Cotton Towel Ponchos. We have customers that come home from work, put down their hand bag, slip off their clothes, put on their Hooded Towel and have a wine on the sofa... We have seen the evidence, time and time again. So why are they so popular?
We purposefully flew to Turkey, not only to meet / hug it out with the families making our Towel Ponchos. BUT also to source the best cotton.
Our checklist looked a lot like this
* Thick enough to keep you warm, but light enough to dry quickly and so small humans could happily run around playing in their ponchos without getting too hot = sun protection while playing.
* Soft and snuggly so you wouldn't want to take it off
* Flattering colours / patterns so you could wear your Towel Poncho from the beach to the super market, the hot tub to cooking dinner and whatever else in between.
* Super absorbent but packed up tiny. So you only needed this on towel to travel with but it did the job and a really good job! Not all Turkish Cotton is created equal people!
We have loved creating our Towel Ponchos for both children and adults and we have designed them based on your feedback! We hope you love them as much as we do.
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